The Public Relations Officer for the Ministry of Roads and Highways, Nasir Ahmed Yartey has clarified that the maintenance of faulty streetlights is the responsibility of local Assemblies not the Ministry. In an interview, Mr Yartey pointed out that a legal framework designates local Assemblies as the entities responsible for maintaining streetlights within their jurisdictions.
Referencing Section 4 of a policy document from August 2011, Mr. Yartey stated that the framework clearly places ownership and responsibility for streetlight maintenance with the local authority.
He further explained that, while the Ministry of Roads and Highways installs streetlights during road construction projects, the ongoing maintenance is handed over to the local Assemblies.
He said when constructing roads they include streetlight installations in the contract however, once the construction is complete, the responsibility for these streetlights shifts to the local authority, which also collects levies for their upkeep.


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