Haqqul Mubeen Institute, at a press conference at GLISS, expressed concern over illegal structures around the school in Accra. They highlighted the risks of secondhand smoke from cannabis use, which the WHO links to millions of deaths and chronic conditions annually.

They expressed concern that exposure to immoral acts undermines learning and encourages imitation. They are urging the Ministry of Education, GES, local authorities, and police to take immediate action to protect GLISS students, staff, and the public by removing squatters and demolishing illegal structures.

The secretary of the Institution, Abdul Raheem Mohammed called on the above institutions to take immediate action to ensure the squatters are vacated from the site. He made mention that apart from it being harmful to the students, the life of the squatters itself is in danger, as their structures are below GRIDCO lines which can cause serious accident like electrocution or death. This is what he said.

A member of the Institution, Alhaji Khamis Mande also explained why Haqqul Mubeen Institute decided to raise their voice to these issues. He stated that Haqqul Mubeen Institutes an NGO whose goal is to ensure that all Islamic schools are safe for students to attend and anything jeopardizing this goal becomes their concern.

They are urgently requesting authorities to demolish illegal structures around the school, as they pose a threat to education, health, and safety. The squatters are involved in various social vices, including drug abuse, prostitution, and violence.


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