Wednesday, March 5, 2025

ECG announces 22 days of ‘dumsor’ in parts of Accra


The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) has announced a 22-day disruption in power supply in parts of the Greater Accra Region.

Known in Ghanaian parlance as ‘dumsor’, the 22-day disruption in power supply will take effect on Monday June 28 and end on July 19. The ‘dumsor’ will occur between the hours of 6pm and 12midnight each day.

In a press statement dated Wednesday, June 23, ECG explained that the power outage is to allow the Ghana Grid Company (GRIDCo) to complete the last phase of repair works on some bulk supply points and transmission cables in Accra.

The ECG said, “the load to the Trasacco Bulk Supply Point (BSP) will be managed to enable the construction of towers at the Volta, Accra East and Achimota substations and to complete the stringing and commissioning of a new double circuit 161KV Volta-Achimota transmission line.”

Areas to be affected have been categorised into six groups. Each group will be without power once a week.

ECG announces 22 days of ‘dumsor’ in parts of Accra
ECG announces 22 days of ‘dumsor’ in parts of Accra

Meanwhile, ECG is encouraging citizens to bear the inconveniences that will arise out of the exercise.

It further assured the general public that the project will be completed on time.



The Minister of National Security, Mr. Albert Kan-Dapaah, has met with the conveners of social media campaign dubbed #FixTheCountry.  The said meeting was held on Thursday, May 6, 2021.  This was made known by the Information Ministry on social media.  According to the Information Ministry, the said meeting was to afford the Minister the opportunity to dialogue with the conveners on their concerns. The Information Ministry, in a Twitter post, said: “In acknowledging the healthy conversation that has been started following a social media campaign, #FixTheCountry, the Minister invited the group to explore further dialogue on their concerns.”  It further disclosed that Mr. Kan-Dapaah and the conveners agreed to engage in further discussions.

”The conveners, in turn, expressed their pleasure at the invitation and the level of seriousness with which their concerns have been taken by the government. ”

About the group and their planned demonstration 

The #FixTheCountry hashtag has been in the social media trends in Ghana for about four days. The hashtag has so far gathered over 600,000 tweets and other engagements on Twitter. It was initially started by some young persons on Twitter, but some celebrities later joined the campaign to hold the government accountable. An online petition which was launched to support the cause has gathered over 3,000 signatures. They planned a demonstration on May 9, 2021, but their request for police protection was turned down. They cited ‘dumsor’, unemployment and poor healthcare systems as proof of successive governments’ mismanagement of the country. “The Command received a letter of notification on Tuesday afternoon of an intended demonstration slated for the 9th of this month. The Regional Command met the convener, who was accompanied by one other person. We told them that we understand their standpoint but then, there [are restrictions] on public gatherings, as such, the Command may not be able to provide the necessary security for the proposed demonstration, Public Relations Officer of the Greater Accra Regional Police Command, DSP Effia Tenge has said. 



Christian young men, join Muslim friend and family to celebrate the Eid_uld_ fitr  at the end of the month of Ramadan and one of the Christian Young men appealed to both Christians and Muslim leaders to tolerate one another for peaceful coexistence. These young men who are school mate from primary through secondary and university level, have being together since childhood. Again they do not see why there should be any differences, after all we are all Ghanaians, the young men said.

National Security Minister Meets With Conveners of #FixtheCountry Campaign


The Minister of National Security, Mr. Albert Kan-Dapaah, has met with the conveners of social media campaign dubbed #FixTheCountry.  The said meeting was held on Thursday, May 6, 2021.  This was made known by the Information Ministry on social media.  According to the Information Ministry, the said meeting was to afford the Minister the opportunity to dialogue with the conveners on their concerns. The Information Ministry, in a Twitter post, said: “In acknowledging the healthy conversation that has been started following a social media campaign, #FixTheCountry, the Minister invited the group to explore further dialogue on their concerns.”  It further disclosed that Mr. Kan-Dapaah and the conveners agreed to engage in further discussions.

”The conveners, in turn, expressed their pleasure at the invitation and the level of seriousness with which their concerns have been taken by the government. ”

About the group and their planned demonstration 

The #FixTheCountry hashtag has been in the social media trends in Ghana for about four days. The hashtag has so far gathered over 600,000 tweets and other engagements on Twitter. It was initially started by some young persons on Twitter, but some celebrities later joined the campaign to hold the government accountable. An online petition which was launched to support the cause has gathered over 3,000 signatures. They planned a demonstration on May 9, 2021, but their request for police protection was turned down. They cited ‘dumsor’, unemployment and poor healthcare systems as proof of successive governments’ mismanagement of the country.

“The Command received a letter of notification on Tuesday afternoon of an intended demonstration slated for the 9th of this month. The Regional Command met the convener, who was accompanied by one other person. We told them that we understand their standpoint but then, there [are restrictions] on public gatherings, as such, the Command may not be able to provide the necessary security for the proposed demonstration, Public Relations Officer of the Greater Accra Regional Police Command, DSP Effia Tenge has said. 



MUYAD Social Services, an Islamic NGO has called on the leadership of Methodist Church of Ghana to render an unqualified apology to the Ghana Education Service and Ghanaians for disregarding the GES directives.   The headmistress of the Wesley Girl’s SHS had banned Muslim students from fasting and observing Islamic prayers while on campus. This ignited reactions from the Ghanaian public as they saw that as an affront to the peace coexistence Muslims and Christians live in the country.   This prompted the GES to issue out directives to help calm the rising tension in the educational and religious spheres. The directives permitted Muslim students to fast but with an undertaken.

However, the Methodist Church of Ghana, caretakers of the Wesley Girl’s SHS, issued a counter press release rubbishing the peace-intended directives from the GES.  The Muslim population and some well meaning Ghanaians saw as not right for a the Church’s leadership to disregard a directive of state supervisory body and thereby calls on the leadership to apologize and retract ‘needless opposition’.

Below is the full statement:





….Before we proceed to the main subject above, let us remind ourselves on the legal framework of Ghana. Before the 1992 Constitution of Ghana came into force; any law, by law, regulations or rules that existed and contradicts the 1992 Constitution becomes diseffective.  Again, no educational institution can set rules that contradict that of Ghana Education Service Code of Conduct for all educational institutions.


The Executives of MUYAD Social Service write to seek the attention of the distinguished leaders of Methodist Church of Ghana, a supposed ‘dnified, guiders of virtues and preachers of love and peace’, it has come to our notice the contempt at which the Church has ‘arrogantly’ disrespected its landlords (Ministry of Education and Ghana Education Service) just in the name of trying to coverup a shame and disgrace your persistent oppression has brought unto thy self.  I know many of you reading this letter, in reaction to the Press Release issued under the authority of The Most Reverend Dr Paul Kwabena Boafo responding to the Ghana Education Service’s directive to Wesley Girl’s SHS (a public school), are still wondering to understand why Methodist Church of Ghana is an ‘OPPRESSIVE, ARROGANT AND SHAMELESS THIEF’.

Can a ‘HUMBLE’ Caretaker or Trustee ‘ARROGANTLY’ challenge a directive of its landlords and the laws under which you got the so-called school rules?   Did I read ‘Mission Schools’? Please, The Most Reverend Dr Paul Kwabena Boafo, kindly helps us to understand the legal definition of ‘Mission Schools’ in the jurisdiction of Ghana’s education system. Do we still have public schools classified as ‘Missions Schools’ in Ghana. Can ignorance and a deliberate calculated thievery be equated as pardonable?

If some of you, the leaders of various churches and Christian denominations, have deliberately used your smart tricks on Ghanaians to paint a negative picture as though, the churches still own the public schools which were ONLY ENTRUSTED in the care of various religious groupings in the country after the government used taxpayers monies to compensate all privately owned schools, the then ‘Mission Schools’, making those schools a public or government schools before even the 1992 Constitution of Ghana was promulgated.

I seek for a sincere answer from a sincere supposed child of God, DO THE CHURCHES STILL OWNS THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS WHICH ARE UNDER THEIR CARE?

If you do not own something and you deliberately claim ownership of it, ARE YOU NOT A THIEF?

If someone who preaches LOVE AND UNITY in the Church room, but in their supposed schools turn to OPPRESS AND DISREGARD other human beings, neighbors and citizens against their religious commandments, are you not SHAMELESS PRETENDER?

Now, how does a Muslim fasting in accordance to her Creators commandments affects you in person, The Most Reverend Dr Paul Kwabena Boafo? Does it reduces your title or does it demolition the school building?

What are rules? Who makes the rules? Are the rules of institutions powerful than the rules of the Creator and the Constitution of a country? Are rules sacrosanct and perpetual?

Can rules be amended to ensure HARMONY AND UNITY among fellow human beings?

So, who are those preaching that, DISRESPECT AGAINST AUTHORITY AND LEADERSHIP is a sin? 

Disrespecting and challenging the authority and directives of the owners of a school giving to you to keep in ‘TRUST’ can then be classified as what action?

The Most Reverend Dr Paul Kwabena Boafo, will you consider resigning your position for allowing your EGO and Misguidance to bring shame to the entire Methodist Church of Ghana and as well disrespecting the entire citizens of Ghana who pay taxes which were used to develop the school to the level it is now?

If all Ghanaians decide to claim a pesewa of their taxes used to develop the Wesley Girl’s SHS and all other Methodist schools in Ghana, can you pay those monies within a day?

The Most Reverend Dr Paul Kwabena Boafo, please and with due respect, Ghanaians demand an apology and retraction of your Press Release dated 4th May, 2021 and signed by The Rt Rev Michael Bossman.

Again, in unwarranted press release, you used a phrase “…renowned Muslim ladies…”

Do you know who is a Muslim?

‘Renowned Muslims’ (those who submit to total will of Allah, the Creator) believes in RESPECT FOR ALL, ACCOMMODATIVE AND KNOWS THAT THERE IS NO COMPULSION AND OPPRESSION in practice of Islam.

 Thank you for your time and anticipated humble apology and retraction.

Yours Fellow Citizens

Signed: +2AM-
Adnan Adams Mohammed, Executive Director, MUYAD Social Services

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