Residents of Suame, New Zongo in Ashanti Region-Kumasi wake up to mysterious disappearance of a young lady “Mustapha Rubama” and her husband “Aaron Asare” and the town have since then been searching for this young couple but all to no avail.
A level 300 student “Mustapha Rubama” at Akenten Appiah Menka University Training And Entrepreneurial Development, reading BSC Management Education expected to complete the course and graduate subsequently has her dream shattered whilst Aaron Asare “the husband” a businessman.
Information available to the Marhaba FM has it that the suddenly disappearance of Mustapha Rubama and Aaron Asare was necessitated by several attacks, both verbally and physically by largely the residents of the New Zongo, Saume. The Suame New Zongo is predominately a Muslim settlement with few other religious groups living there.
Quran: The Quran mentions sex between men several times, almost all of them in the context of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, in which some city inhabitants demand sexual access to the messengers sent by God to the prophet Lot (or Lut). The Quranic story is almost the same as the version in the Bible. Later explanations of the Quran agreed that the “abomination” alluded to by the Quranic passages was attempted sodomy (specifically anal intercourse) between men. The sins of the people of Lut later became proverbial and the Arabic words for the act of anal sex between men such as “liwat” and for a person who performs such acts “Luti”; both derive from the name Lut, although Lut was not the one demanding sex.
Constitution of Ghana: Section 104 (b) of the Ghanaian Criminal Code of 1960, criminalizes “unnatural carnal knowledge” (with consent and between adults), as a misdemeanor. Section 104 defines “unnatural carnal knowledge” as “sexual intercourse with a person in an unnatural manner or with an animal”. Due to the definition contained in Section 99 of the code, which stipulates “penetration”, an “unnatural manner” is taken to refer to sex acts between men–not between women–and oral and anal sex between people of different sexes. Misdemeanors carry a penalty of up to three years imprisonment under Article 296 of the Criminal Procedural Code.
By the early 21st century, these 1960 provisions were rarely enforced. However, while the law may not lead to prosecutions before local courts, persecution of LGBT people is nevertheless widespread and common.
The, Quran, Ghanaian Constitution and even Africa traditional belief has no room for people they believe to be practicing same sex activity. It appears intriguing that a married couple are entangled in such story. The community believes the couple just married to deceive them, Aaron Asare was caught haven sexual activity with his male partner while the wife “Rubama” is also caught in same act with female partner. Suspicious neighbors reports to community mosque imam to advise them to stop the act but after several advices and guidance but the couple did not listen hence the individuals in that community started verbally abusing them, some food vendors’ stop selling food to them and all.
The narrator of the story told our reporter that some youth of Suame New Zongo organized to attack the couple to beat them, but fortunately for the couple, they got a lead and before the attack, they disappeared without a trace. The youth swear to deal with them wherever they meet or get them. The search is on going on………….